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MNCPA Management & Business Advisers Conference

June 13-14, 2019 (2:00 - 3:00 p.m. ET)

Minneapolis, MN




Valuable insights. Legislative developments. Practical guidance. Real-world solutions. How do you get all of these and more without overloading? MBAC19 is your one-stop shop for all things business and financial management. With more than 50 sessions in the areas of human resources; technology; leadership and communication; risk, compliance and governance; and ethics, you’ll get everything you need in just two days. Connect with more than 900 CPAs, financial leaders and internal auditors to reach your desired business outcomes.



Who should attend


  • CPAs in business and industry including CFOs, finance directors, controllers/comptrollers, financial managers and management accountants 

  • CPAs in public accounting including managing partners and partners who provide business advice 

  • Internal auditors 

  • Any financial professionals who have managerial or leadership responsibilities



Learning objective(s)

  • Learn how to respond to and comply with technical, regulatory and legislative developments

  • Discover tools and strategies to improve financial performance

  • Identify ways to effectively lead, engage and develop employees

  • Learn how to defend against cybersecurity threats and implement new technology



  • How Emerging Technologies are Enhancing the Accounting Profession  10:10 AM - 11:25 AM

  • Impact of AI on Accounting and Auditing 10:45AM-12:00PM

  • Self-Assessing Your Cybersecurity Risk 1:00PM-2:15PM


Speaker: Donny Shimamoto, CPA, CGMA, CITP

Managing Director, IntrapriseTechKnowlogies LLC

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